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SHA cheers for Hong Kong athletes joining 4th All-China Games (with photos)

     The Secretary for Home Affairs, Mr Tsang Tak-sing, in his capacity as the Chef de Mission of the HKSAR delegation to the 4th All-China Games, today (May 17) proceeded on his second day of activities in Hefei City, Anhui Province, to visit the Hong Kong athletes.

     In the morning, Mr Tsang and the Deputy Director of Leisure and Cultural Services and member of the Organising Committee of the HKSAR delegation to the 4th All-China Games, Mr Bobby Cheng, visited the natatorium of Hefei Sports Centre to give their support and best wishes to the Hong Kong athletes participating in the life-saving event. Mr Tsang said he was deeply impressed by the excellent performance and high spirit displayed by the Hong Kong athletes.

     In the afternoon, Mr Tsang and Mr Cheng went to Shengda International Hotel to watch the Chinese chess event and the squash competitions at Hefei University Multi-ball Games Centre to cheer for the participating athletes.

     Mr Tsang returns to Hong Kong this evening.

Ends/Monday, May 17, 2010
Issued at HKT 17:24


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