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Territory-wide campaign to promote safe driving

      Police will run a territory-wide campaign tomorrow (May 18) to remind drivers of public service vehicles and goods vehicles of the importance of safe driving.

      The two-week campaign, to last until May 31, includes both publicity on safe driving and enforcement against traffic offences.

      During the first week of the campaign, Police officers will distribute leaflets on the Safe Driving Code for Goods Vehicles to goods vehicle drivers and remind them the importance of safe loading and not to speed.  Publicity leaflets, including Project Safe-Ride leaflets, will also be distributed to drivers of public light buses and the public.

      Members of the public are encouraged to report undesirable driving behaviour to the Police or call the Transport Complaints Unit of the Transport Advisory Committee on 2889 9999.  They can also call direct to the 24-hour Police Transport Hotline 2754 7668 to report driving misbehaviour of public light bus drivers.

      Stringent enforcement actions will be taken in the second week against traffic offences including speeding, careless driving, failing to comply with traffic signals, using a hand-held mobile phone while driving, and seatbelt-related offences.

      According to Police figures, a total of 5 629 persons were injured and killed in traffic accidents between January to April 2010, a decrease of 1 per cent when compared with 5 671 persons in the same period of 2009. These accidents were mainly the result of driving inattentively, tailgating, losing control of vehicle and changing lane carelessly.  

      "We hope that the campaign will enhance public awareness of road safety in pursuit of the road safety vision: 'Zero Accidents on the Road, Hong Kong's Goal'," a Police spokesman said.

Police Report No. 2

Ends/Monday, May 17, 2010
Issued at HKT 14:26


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