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CE's statement

     The Chief Executive, Mr Donald Tsang, issued the following statement today (May 14):

     Over the years, although voting is not mandatory in Hong Kong, like many of my fellow citizens, I have voted in every Legislative Council election.

     Yet, the background and causes of this Legislative Council by-election are clear to all. Under the existing legislation, in the event that a vacancy in the Council arises, the Government is obliged to arrange a by-election and finance it with public money.  This we have done.  On the other hand, the mainstream community view is that this by-election could have been avoided, and many regard it as an abuse of the electoral system and a waste of taxpayers¡¯ money. The Government has indicated that it will consider plugging this legislative loophole to prevent recurrence of such events.

     In view of the unique nature of this by-election and after careful consideration, I have decided not to vote in this by-election.

     All members of my political team share this view and, of their own accord, have also decided not to vote.

     I must stress that these are purely personal decisions on my part and on the part of the political appointees. Colleagues in the civil service will not and should not be affected by our decisions. It is entirely their own individual decisions as to whether or not to vote, which will be duly respected by the Government.

Ends/Friday, May 14, 2010
Issued at HKT 22:31


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