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2010 Summit on District Administration forums to be held next month

     Regional forums for the 2010 Summit on District Administration will be held in June 2010 to discuss issues related to the District Councils (DCs).

     A spokesman for the Home Affairs Department said, "Taking into account the experience of the last summit and the views of the participants, four regional forums on various district issues will be held for the 2010 summit so that the participants will have ample time to exchange views and have thorough discussions with senior government officials on the relevant issues, with a view to further enhancing district administration work.

     "The Secretary for Home Affairs, the Permanent Secretary for Home Affairs and the Director of Home Affairs, as well as other relevant principal officials, permanent secretaries and heads of departments will join the forums."

     Details of the four regional forums are as follows:

June 10 (Thursday) at 2.30pm
Venue: Youth Square
Topic: Management of District Facilities

June 15 (Tuesday) at 2.30pm
Venue: Henry G Leong Yaumatei Community Centre
Topic: Building Management and Maintenance

June 19 (Saturday) at 9.30am
Venue: Hong Kong Heritage Museum
Topic: Community Involvement Activities

June 22 (Tuesday) at 2.30pm
Venue: Tsuen Wan Town Hall
Topic: District Minor Works

     After the regional forums, the 18 DC chairmen and vice-chairmen will represent the DCs to report the major views and outcomes of the discussions to the Chief Executive in July 2010.

Ends/Friday, May 14, 2010
Issued at HKT 19:46


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