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SED tells education ministers about HK's plans for students

     The Secretary for Education, Mr Michael Suen, today (July 7) told participants at an International Education Roundtable (IER) in Singapore that Hong Kong was committed to nurturing all students to succeed in whole-person development and life-long learning.

     The roundtable brought together education ministers and senior government officials from Australia, Canada, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, Sweden and the United States for an open dialogue on educational issues.

     "There is the need to continue to maintain high academic achievement and all-round student development through quality teaching, effective leadership and effective schools that are responsive to changes and contemporary needs," he said.

     Mr Suen told the roundtable there was keen demand on the education system to help solve social problems such as drug addiction, changing family structures and relationships.

     "Society's ever-rising expectations have added pressure on teachers' workload which calls for stronger support to the profession from parents, the Government and the wider community," Mr Suen said.

     Mr Suen told the roundtable that Hong Kong would enhance the teaching profession by attracting better graduates to become teachers, enhancing the quality and opportunities of teacher education, boosting teachers' morale and enhancing their social status so as to retain serving teachers in the profession.
     The Secretary for Education told the roundtable that Hong Kong would try to devise a long-term research agenda required to enhance the education system from kindergarten to higher education.
     The roundtable, opened by Singapore's Minister for Education and Second Minister for Defence Dr Ng Eng Hen enabled participants to share their views and engage in professional exchanges on the themes of "The Challenges Ahead" and "Mobilising Systems to Achieve the Goals".

     Mr Suen also took the opportunity to attend the 9th World Convention of the International Confederation of Principals (ICP), running concurrent to the IER, which was opened today by Prime Minister of Singapore Mr Lee Hsien Loong.

     The ICP provides a platform for more than 1,200 school principals from 40 countries and regions to discuss the modern challenges in school leadership under the convention's theme of "Charting the New Education Landscape".

     President of the Hong Kong Institute of Education Professor Anthony Cheung and Principal of Yan Oi Tong Tin Ka Bing Secondary School Mr Tai Hay-lap, who are members of the Hong Kong delegation, shared their experiences in promoting the professional development and work of school leaders with their counterparts from different parts of the world.  

     Mr Suen and the HK delegation will continue their visit in Singapore tomorrow by calling on local schools.

     Other members of the Hong Kong delegation include Deputy Secretaries for Education, Mr Michael Wong and Dr Catherine KK Chan.

Ends/Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Issued at HKT 17:03


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