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Health talks organised for Wan Chai residents (with photos)

     The Wan Chai District Office and Wan Chai District Council (WCDC) today (June 10) jointly organised two health talks to spread the message of preventing human swine flu to the elderly and building management bodies. About 400 people attended the talks.

     The two talks were held in the afternoon and in the evening in the Leighton Hall Community Hall. The first talk was aimed at the elderly, while the second one was arranged for members of area committees, owners' corporations, mutual aid committees and building management bodies in the district. Medical practioners of the Department of Health explained the latest developments in the fight against human swine flu, as well as the symptoms, mode of transmission and how to avoid infection. There were keen responses from participants in the question-and-answer session. Anti-flu packs were distributed to the audience to raise their awareness of the importance of personal, family and community hygiene.

     "To enable the elderly and building management bodies to understand more about human swine flu is very important in preventing its spread  in the community. With this in mind, the Wan Chai District Office and WCDC organised the two health talks for the target audiences to raise their awareness of flu prevention and the need to maintain community hygiene," District Officer (Wan Chai), Mr William Yuen, said.

     WCDC Chairman Mr Suen Kai-cheong said, "In support of the Clean Hong Kong Campaign, WCDC will, in co-operation with the Wan Chai District Office and other departments, organise more activities of different kinds to promote the importance of keeping a healthy and clean environment and pooling resources in fighting against the disease."

Ends/Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Issued at HKT 19:23


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