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Transcript of SCMA's remarks to media in Taipei (with photos)

     Following is the transcript of the answers given by the Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs, Mr Stephen Lam, to media questions in Taipei this (June 6) morning:

Reporter: How was the meeting with Dr Lai (Shin-yuan) arranged? And why was it not announced?

Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs: It was a call on the Chairperson of the Mainland Affairs Council. The intention has always been that we would have this call in connection with the visit and in connection with our bilateral meeting yesterday. The Chairperson warmly welcomed the fact that Hong Kong-Taiwan relations have been elevated particularly in the course of the last year. She warmly welcomed the fact that the Hong Kong Trade Development Council has established an office in Taipei. She considered that the Hong Kong-Taiwan Inter-City Forum to be a positive initiative. She particularly welcomed the fact that we have now established a new structure for enhancing bilateral Hong Kong-Taiwan economic co-operation; the fact that under the Trade Development Council, we will establish a Hong Kong-Taiwan Business Co-operation Committee will be helpful; the fact that Hong Kong senior officials will establish a board of Advisors to enhance and to support the work of the new structure is a positive development. On the part of Taiwan, she affirmed that senior officials of the Taiwan side will take part in the Taiwan-Hong Kong Economic and Cultural Co-operation Council to support the work of the Economic Co-operation Committee.

Reporter: Has Dr Lai extended any invitation to the Chief Executive to visit Taiwan?

Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs: This time round in visiting Taiwan, I have not raised to the Taiwan side the possibility of the Chief Executive visiting Taiwan, nor have I discussed with the other side the time-frame of such a possibility. Insofar as Hong Kong and Taiwan is concerned, we will continue to promote bilateral co-operation and bilateral visits, and this will depend on developments hereafter.

(Please also refer to the Chinese transcript.)

Ends/Saturday, June 6, 2009
Issued at HKT 20:43


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