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DVDs and CDs donated to quarantine centres (with photo)

     The Leisure and Cultural Services Department today (May 21) received donations of DVDs and CDs for playing at Human Swine Influenza (Influenza A H1N1) quarantine centres.

     The DVDs and CDs, which have cleared copyright for playing, have been donated by several organisations to show support and encouragement to people in quarantine by providing them with movies and music during their stay at the centres.

     Assistant Director of Leisure and Cultural Services, Mr Eddy Yau, represented the LCSD to receive 120 DVDs and 80 CDs from the International Federation Against Copyright Theft - Greater China, the Phonographic Performance (South East Asia) Limited and Hong Kong Recording Industry Alliance Limited. Other organisations which helped to clear the copyright were Hong Kong, Kowloon and New Territories Motion Picture Industry Association Limited and Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong Limited.

     The donated DVDs and CDs are all popular movies and music. People at the quarantine centres can borrow them and play them in their individual bungalows.

     The LCSD thanked the organisations for their kind donations and their quick response and flexibility in clearing the copyright. The department appreciated their sense of social responsibility, and looked forward to their support in fighting human swine flu in the future.

Ends/Thursday, May 21, 2009
Issued at HKT 19:03


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