缂傚倸鍊搁崐鎼佸磹閹间礁纾归柟闂寸绾惧綊鏌熼梻瀵割槮缁炬儳缍婇弻鐔兼⒒鐎靛壊妲紒鐐劤濠€閬嶅焵椤掑倹鍤€閻庢凹鍙冨畷宕囧鐎c劋姹楅梺鍦劋閸ㄥ綊宕愰悙宸富闁靛牆妫楃粭鎺撱亜閿斿灝宓嗙€殿喗鐓¢崺锟犲磼濠婂懐妲囬梻浣圭湽閸ㄨ棄岣胯閻☆參姊绘担鍛靛綊顢栭崨顓囨稑螖閸涱厙銉╂煙閻戞ɑ灏电紒鈾€鍋撴繝娈垮枟閿曗晠宕㈡ィ鍐ㄥ偍闁汇垹鎲¢埛鎴犵磽娴e顏堟倶閿曞倹瀚呴梺顒€绉甸悡鍐⒑閸噮鍎忕紒妞﹀懐纾奸弶鍫涘妼濞搭噣鏌涢埞鎯т壕婵$偑鍊栫敮濠囨嚄閸撲礁濮柍褜鍓熷娲箹閻愭彃濮岄梺鍛婃煥閻倿宕洪埀顒併亜閹烘垵鈧綊寮抽鍕厸閻忕偠顕ф俊濂告煃鐟欏嫬鐏寸€规洖宕埥澶愬箥娴i晲澹曞┑掳鍊曢幊蹇涙偂濞戙垺鍊甸柨婵嗛婢ь噣鏌$€n偆娲撮柡宀嬬磿娴狅箓宕滆閳ь剚甯¢弻宥堫檨闁告挶鍔庣槐鐐哄幢濡⒈娲搁梺鍓插亝濞叉牜澹曢崸妤佺厸闁告劑鍔庢晶娑㈡煟閹惧娲撮柟顔斤耿閹瑦锛愬┑鍡橆唲濠电姵顔栭崰鏍磹閸ф钃熼柣鏃傗拡閺佸﹪鏌涘┑鍡楊仱闁稿鎸搁埞鎴﹀幢濞嗘劖顔曢梻浣告贡閸庛倝宕归悢鑲猴綁宕奸悢绋垮伎濠德板€愰崑鎾翠繆椤愶絾鈷掓俊鍙夊姍閺佹捇鏁撻敓锟� Simplified Chinese Email this article news.gov.hk
January adjustment in auto LPG ceiling prices

     The Electrical and Mechanical Services Department today (December 24) announced an adjustment to the auto liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) ceiling prices for dedicated LPG filling stations from January 1 to January 31, 2009, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract of the dedicated LPG filling stations.

     A department spokesman said that the adjustment on January 1 reflected the movement of LPG international prices this month (December).  The adjusted auto LPG ceiling prices for dedicated LPG filling stations would range from $2.21 to $2.60 per litre, representing a decrease of $0.65 to $0.66 per litre.

     The spokesman said the auto LPG ceiling prices were adjusted according to a specified pricing formula.  The formula comprises two elements - the LPG international price and LPG operating price.  The LPG international price is the LPG international price of the preceding month.  The LPG operating price is adjusted on the first day of February every year according to movement in the Composite Consumer Price Index in the previous year.

     The auto LPG ceiling prices for respective dedicated LPG filling stations in January are as follows:

Location of               Auto LPG      Auto LPG
Dedicated                 Ceiling       Ceiling
LPG Filling Station       Price in      Price in
                          Jan,2009      Dec,2008
                          (HK$/litre)   (HK$/litre)

Fung Yip Street, Chai Wan       2.60    3.25
Ngo Cheung Road, West Kowloon   2.60    3.25
Sham Mong Road, Mei Foo         2.36    3.02
Yip Wong Road, Tuen Mun         2.36    3.02
Marsh Road, Wan Chai            2.36    3.01
Fung Mat Road, Sheung Wan       2.31    2.96
Wai Lok Street, Kwun Tong       2.31    2.96
Yuen Chau Tsai, Tai Po          2.31    2.96
Cheung Yip Street, Kowloon Bay  2.34    3.00
Kwai On Road, Kwai Chung        2.34    3.00
Hang Yiu Street, Ma On Shan     2.21    2.86
Tak Yip Street, Yuen Long       2.21    2.86

     Details of LPG international prices and auto LPG ceiling price of each dedicated LPG filling station has been uploaded on the department website (http://www.emsd.gov.hk).  They are also posted at dedicated LPG filling stations to facilitate the trades to monitor the price adjustment.

     Details of the pricing adjustment mechanism for dedicated LPG filling stations can also be viewed under the "Highlight" section of the department website at (http://www.emsd.gov.hk/emsd/eng/welcome/index.shtml).

Ends/Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Issued at HKT 10:01


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