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European Commission and HKSARG hold structured dialogue in Brussels

     The second annual structured dialogue meeting between the European Commission (EC) and the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSARG) was held yesterday (December 11, Brussels time) in Brussels. Since the first meeting in November 2007 in Hong Kong, the dialogue has become an effective high-level liaison platform for officials of the two sides to discuss issues of common interest in accordance with a mutually agreed agenda.

     The Director for Asia in the European Commission, Mr James Moran, said the two sides had a good day's work though the discussions were overshadowed by the global financial crisis and economic recession which had hit both economies.

     "We compared notes. We also considered practical steps to increase the content and substance of our co-operation," said Mr Moran, who hosted the meeting yesterday.

     The delegation from Hong Kong was headed by the Deputy Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development (Commerce and Industry), Ms Linda Lai. "At the meeting, we had an extensive exchange on issues in trade, competition policy, customs co-operation, environmental protection, aviation, food and product safety, education exchange and public health. We have agreed to continue to strengthen co-operation in these areas through our established and other channels after the meeting," said Ms Lai.

     The meeting devoted substantial discussions to the global financial crisis and its repercussions on the economies in Europe and Asia. Both sides appreciated the response by their respective governments, focusing on stimulus and a reappraisal of regulatory frameworks. They plan to continue comparing notes on the effects of these policies.

     On trade and economic relations, both sides recognised the strong and solid ties between the European Union (EU) and Hong Kong. The EU is Hong Kong's second largest import partner after China and its fourth largest export market after Taiwan, China and the US.

     On standards and regulatory issues, the Commission emphasised that seminars on product safety, recycling, technical standards and intellectual property rights, as well as on regulatory issues are envisaged for 2009 in the context of the EC's trade seminar package for Hong Kong and Macau and the EU's Business Information Programme (EUBIP), as well as possibly an event on Eurocodes (construction standards). The Commission underlined that EUBIP will serve as a vehicle to promote better understanding and knowledge between the European Union and Hong Kong and Macau. It will help lay a solid foundation for further co-operation in matters of mutual concern.

     The Commission also expressed appreciation of the opportunities offered to European investors in the China market by CEPA (Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement).

     The Hong Kong side briefed the Commission on its proposal to introduce a competition law and the result of the recent public consultation exercise. The EC also shared its experience in implementing anti-trust legislation and is ready to enhance exchanges between officials in this field. Seminars for the business community on EU competition law could be organised through EUBIP.

     On customs co-operation, both sides exchanged information on implementing various supply chain security initiatives, including the Authorised Economic Operator programme. They also discussed further collaboration on customs border measures to improve the efficiency of the movement of goods and to enhance the protection of intellectual property rights.

     In addition, the Hong Kong side briefed the EC on its latest initiatives, in particular those to sustain a "low carbon economy", in which efforts would be made to promote energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions. The Hong Kong side also introduced Hong Kong's stringent food and product safety standards and enforcement actions and updated the EC on the latest legislative progress of food safety laws.  

     The EC and Hong Kong also noted the progress of their efforts in strengthening co-operation on civil aviation, and agreed to continue to work together. A meeting was scheduled in early 2009 for the two sides to continue the discussion, with a view to further promoting aviation relations.

     Dialogues on co-operation on tax matters would continue.

     Regarding public health matters, the two sides recognised that their health authorities had set up communication channels at the operational level for exchange of epidemiology information on communicable diseases after the first meeting in 2007 and agreed to enhance their co-operation on this basis.

     Following the stocktaking of the various ongoing co-operation initiatives between the EC and Hong Kong, the Hong Kong side highlighted its efforts to develop Hong Kong into an international wine trading centre, following the removal of wine duty in February 2008. The Commission suggested studying the possibility of creating in Hong Kong a Wine Museum, showcasing the industry and its cultural, historic and geographic background and comprising facilities for tasting and marketing. The two sides also noted the positive interest the Commission showed in the West Kowloon Cultural District project, which seeks to develop Hong Kong into a world-class arts and culture destination.

Ends/Friday, December 12, 2008
Issued at HKT 17:12


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