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Intangible Cultural Heritage Advisory Committee holds first meeting

    The Intangible Cultural Heritage Advisory Committee held its first meeting today (July 9). The committee was appointed by the Secretary for Home Affairs to advise the Government on the conduct of a territory-wide survey of Hong Kong's intangible cultural heritage. The terms of reference of the committee are:

(a) To monitor the conduct of the territory-wide survey;
(b) To advise on the research methodology of the territory-wide survey; and
(c) To examine the findings and recommendations in the survey report on Hong Kong's intangible cultural heritage for submission to the Government for consideration.

    The term of appointment of the committee is from July 1, 2008 to December 31, 2010. Members appointed include professionals, academics, community representatives and government representatives. The membership of the committee is as follows:

Chairman: Director of Leisure and Cultural Services
Members: Prof Selina Chan Ching
        Mr Joe Chen Yum
        Dr Michael Lau Wai-mai
        Prof Leung Siu-kit
        Prof Mak King-sang
        Prof Ng Chun-bong
        Prof Siu Kwok-kin
        Dr Joseph Ting Sun-pao
        Dr Yau Wing-kwong
        Prof Yu Siu-wah
        Representative of the Home Affairs Bureau
        Representative of the Leisure & Cultural Services Department

    Matters discussed at today's meeting included the provisions and compliance of the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Hong Kong, the findings and recommendations in the report of a pilot study on Hong Kong's intangible cultural heritage submitted by the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, as well as the proposal for a territory-wide survey of intangible cultural heritage in Hong Kong.

Ends/Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Issued at HKT 17:30


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