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More designated areas to come under construction noise control

    The Government today (May 16) published in the Gazette the Noise Control (Construction Work Designated Areas) (Amendment) Notice to update the coverage of designated areas under the Noise Control Ordinance (NCO).

    A spokesman for the Environmental Protection Department said that designated areas were first established in 1996 by notice in the Gazette and were expanded to the existing coverage in 2001 to take account of the development over the years.

    ˇ°In view of the development in Hong Kong since 2001, it is appropriate now to further expand the coverage of the designated areas,ˇ± he said.

    Under the amendment notice, the designated areas will be expanded to include newly developed populated built-up areas; areas where development has been actively taking place and population intake is expected to start within the coming few years; and other populated built-up areas in the territory not yet covered.  Some areas adjoining the existing designated areas which form parts of the communities have also been identified for inclusion.

    ˇ°The amendment will provide residents in the new designated areas with the same protection against construction noise as those in the existing designated areas. It is estimated that more than 280,000 residents will benefit from the implementation of the proposal,ˇ± the spokesman said.

    Under the NCO, construction works using powered mechanical equipment can be carried out during the restricted hours - between 7pm and 7am or at any time on a general holiday - only with a valid construction noise permit (CNP). 

    For designated areas, the Noise Control Authority will apply more stringent criteria when assessing CNP applications for carrying out prescribed construction work such as hammering, erection or dismantling of formwork or scaffolding, or using specified powered mechanical equipment, including handheld breaker, bulldozer, handheld vibratory poker, dump truck and concrete lorry mixer.

    ˇ°The new designated areas will take effect from January 1 next year to give the construction industry time to prepare,ˇ± he said.

    ˇ°We will regularly review the need for establishing more designated areas,ˇ± he said.

Ends/Friday, May 16, 2008
Issued at HKT 12:46


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