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More channels to receive donations for earthquake relief

    Members of the public can have more channels to donate money for the relief of the victims of the Sichuan earthquake.

    In addition to cheque donations at the 20 Public Enquiry Service Centres (PESCs) of the 18 District Offices of the Home Affairs Department (HAD) and Post Offices, donors can also bank-in the cash donations direct into one of the following bank accounts under the name of "The Secretary for Home Affairs Incorporated ¡ª Donations"¡ª

(i)  Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Ltd. (HSBC) account number "004-502-256803-001"; or
(ii) Bank of China (Hong Kong) (BOC) account number "012-875-0-039683-3"

    Cheques should be addressed to "The Secretary for Home Affairs Incorporated ¡ª Donations" (or "SHAI ¡ª Donations").

    Tax exemption may be granted to donations of $100 or above. 

    An HAD spokesman said receipts issued by HAD may be used for tax exemption purposes.  Donors should contact the staff of PESCs for a receipt before they make donations there. 

    "For donations made to Post Offices or the bank account of HSBC or BOC direct, donors are required to return the original copy of the bank pay-in slip or the receipt issued by Post Offices, together with a completed receipt requisition form, and send to the following address by post: Finance Section, Home Affairs Department, 29/F, Southorn Centre, 130 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong."

    "The receipt requisition form is available at PESCs, Post Offices and the homepage of HAD," he added.

Ends/Friday, May 16, 2008
Issued at HKT 12:00


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