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Secretary for Development meets English Heritage and National Trust in London (with photos)

    The Secretary for Development, Mrs Carrie Lam, had fruitful discussions with the English Heritage and the National Trust on heritage conservation policies and revitalisation of historic buildings and places on the last day (May 14, London time) of her visit to the UK.

    English Heritage is the UK Government's statutory adviser on the historic environment. It is an executive non-government public body, working in partnership with government departments to conserve and enhance the historic sites' environment, and enhance people's understanding of the past. Mrs Lam was briefed on the organisation's work by its policy director, Mr Duncan McCollum.

    The National Trust is a non-government organisation founded in 1895. The trust works to preserve and protect the coastline, countryside and buildings of England, Wales and Northern Ireland. Mrs Lam met Chairman of the Trust, Sir William Proby.

    During the day's visit, Mrs Lam also updated Members of the All Party Parliamentary China Group, London-based Chinese media, and Hong Kong students studying in the UK on Hong Kong's latest developments.

    Mrs Lam will return to Hong Kong this evening (May 15).

Ends/Thursday, May 15, 2008
Issued at HKT 16:05


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