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Update of influenza situation

    The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health (DH) received five reports of outbreaks of influenza-like illness today (April 29) involving an elderly home, three primary schools and a child care centre, affecting a total of 38 people (see Annex).

    A CHP spokesman said that influenza-like illness may be caused by influenza or other respiratory viruses. CHP's staff have visited these institutions and provided health advice to the staff accordingly.

    Meanwhile, no report was received today under the influenza surveillance arrangement set up by the CHP with private and public hospitals. 

    The spokesman said members of the public should remain vigilant by taking precautionary measures against influenza. They are advised to maintain good personal as well as environmental hygiene and build up good body immunity by having a proper diet, regular exercise, and adequate rest, reducing stress and avoiding smoking.

    About 286,700 target clients have received influenza vaccination under the Government Influenza Vaccination Programme since November 2007. The spokesman urged eligible high risk clients to get vaccinated before the programme comes to an end at the end of April 2008.

    "As it takes about two weeks for people to take up immunity after vaccination, timely vaccination for the high risk groups can ensure that they acquire adequate protection against influenza-related complications in case of infection.

    "Those who are covered by the Government Influenza Vaccination Programme but have not received the vaccines may continue to seek vaccination with public clinics until supplies run out," the spokesman said.

    More details of preventive tips on influenza are available on CHP's website (

Ends/Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Issued at HKT 18:51


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