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Roadworks in Wan Chai gazetted

    The Government today (April 25) published a notice in the Gazette, on proposed road works in McGregor and Amoy Streets, Wan Chai, to serve the Development Scheme H15 by the Urban Renewal Authority.

    The works include temporarily or permanent closure of the existing or sections of carriageway and footpaths on Lee Tung Street, McGregor Street and Amoy Street; construction of a divergent street with carriageway and footpaths connecting McGregor Street and Tai Yuen Street; construction of a slip road with associated footpath connecting Amoy Street and Queen's Road East; construction of a roundabout and a lay-by at Amoy Street; and ancillary works including landscaping, drainage and utilities works.

    The plan and scheme of the works are available for public inspection at the following government offices during office hours:

(i)  Central and Western District Office, Public Enquiry Service Centre, Unit 5, Ground Floor, The Center, 99 Queen's Road Central;

(ii) Wan Chai District Office, Public Enquiry Service Centre, Ground Floor, 2 O'Brien Road, Wan Chai; and

(iii) District Lands Office, Hong Kong East, 19th Floor, Southorn Centre, 130 Hennessy Road, Wan Chai.

    Any person who wishes to object to the proposed works or the use, or both, should write to the Secretary for Transport and Housing, 16th Floor, Murray Building, Garden Road, Hong Kong, on or before June 24.

Ends/Friday, April 25, 2008
Issued at HKT 15:36


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