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Photo competition captures beauty of historic buildings (with photos)

    The historical value and architectural beauty of Hong Kong's historic buildings are fully captured in more than 1,000 entries in the photo competition on conservation and revitalisation of historic buildings.

    The competition, organised by the Development Bureau, is one of the highlights of the public awareness campaign on heritage conservation launched in January 2008. The competition aimed to further enhance public awareness of heritage conservation through a better appreciation of the beauty and uniqueness of Hong Kong¨s historic buildings.

    A ceremony was held at the Hong Kong Heritage Discovery Centre today (April 19) to present awards to the winning entries.

    Officiating at the ceremony, the Secretary for Development, Mrs Carrie Lam, said she was impressed by the high quality of the entries, in particular those photos taken by young students.

    "As part of the public awareness campaign on heritage conservation, we have organised a variety of programmes, including exhibitions, seminar, guided tours, and open days, in the first quarter of this year.

    "We are much encouraged by the positive response of the public towards these activities, with guided tours over-subscribed, open days well attended and over 1,000 entries in this photo competition. The campaign has successfully achieved its objective of enabling the community to have a deeper understanding of heritage conservation work in Hong Kong," she said.

    Mrs Lam also expressed gratitude to the seven members of the jury team, who had spent great efforts in selecting the winning photos. The members are: 

Mr Nam Chi Kwong, President, The Photographic Salon Exhibitors Association;
Mr Lawrence Yu, Vice President, Hong Kong Institute of Professional Photographers;
Mr Cheng Kwok Ming, Honorary President, United Artist Photographic Association;
Mr Yiu Yau Hung, Vice President, The Hong Kong Art of Photography Association;
Mr Leong Ka Tai, professional photographer;
Mr Edwin Tong, Development Bureau; and
Mr Rysdik Chu, Information Services Department.

    The photo competition comprises a youth category (for aged 10 to 17) and an open category (for aged 18 or above). The first three winners in each category were awarded a cash prize of $5,000, $3,000 and $1,000 respectively. A cash prize of $500 was also given to the 30 merit award winners in each category.

    The winners of the two categories and the historic building captured in their photos are:

Open category

Winner: Mr Wong Chi-keung!Yau Ma Tei Wholesale Fruit Market (grade III historic building);
First runner-up: Mr Yip Wai-chuen!Duddell Street Steps and Gas Lams (declared monument)
Second runner-up: Mr Chow Fun-kau!Tang Ancestral Hall in Yuen Long (declared monument)

Youth category

Winner: Mr Cheung Kai-tung!Blue House in Wan Chai (grade I historic building)
First runner-up: Mr Ching Hin-yeung!Man Mo Temple in Hollywood Road (grade I historic building)
Second runner-up: Mr Siu Wai-sum!Lui Seng Chun (grade I historic building)

    All the winning entries will be displayed at the Hong Kong Heritage Discovery Centre in Kowloon Park from April 19 to May 11 and Cultural Centre in Tsim Sha Tsui, from May 12 to 26. They are also available for viewing at the webpage on heritage conservation (

Ends/Saturday, April 19, 2008
Issued at HKT 16:30


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