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Tenders invited for provision of Government Electronic Trading Services

    The Government is inviting tender proposals for the provision of Government Electronic Trading Services (GETS) commencing in 2010.

    The GETS refer to the electronic services operated by service providers appointed by the Government for the trading community to submit six commonly used trade-related documents to the government departments concerned for purposes of customs control, trade declaration, trade control and statistics compilation.

    Interested parties are invited to submit proposals before noon on Thursday, June 12, 2008 (the tender closing date).

    Tender documents are obtainable from the Commerce, Industry and Tourism Branch, Commerce and Economic Development Bureau. Additional information and a soft copy of the tender documents are also available on the Internet at the following address:

    The Government plans to appoint up to three service providers to provide the GETS with effect from January 1, 2010.

Ends/Friday, April 18, 2008
Issued at HKT 11:31


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