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More choices of free WiFi service in public housing estates

The following is issued on behalf of the Housing Authority:

    Public rental housing (PRH) tenants will have more choices of location where they can access Internet service for free through WiFi service.

    In addition to the free WiFi service currently provided at about 120 PRH estates of the Housing Authority, another information and technology (ICT) service vendor will provide a similar free service at 45 estates, including 26 estates not currently covered.

    The new service will be introduced in phases, with the first batch of 10 estates starting tomorrow (April 17) and the rest by August. 

    "By that time, free WiFi services will be available to PRH tenants in almost all PRH estates," a spokesman for the authority said.

    While the existing service is provided at ground lift lobbies and adjoining external areas of PRH blocks, the new service will be mainly at outdoor recreational areas of the estates.

    "For estates served by both the existing and the new ICT service vendors, tenants will have more choices," the spokesman said.

    The authority acts as a facilitator in the provision of free WiFi service in PRH estates. Interested ICT service vendors install and operate the systems at their own costs whereas the authority provides basic communal facilities such as power supply, cable ducts and conduits.

Ends/Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Issued at HKT 15:54


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