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Good working relationship developed between Police and PLA HK Garrison

          Commander of the People's Liberation Army Hong Kong Garrison Major General Zhang Shibo said that the Hong Kong Garrison, in the process of discharging its defence responsibility, had cooperated closely with the Hong Kong Police on the basis of mutual respect and support, and had fostered a good working relationship.

Inspecting a passing-out parade of the Hong Kong Police College today (Saturday), the Major General said he hoped the communication and cooperation between the Garrison and Hong Kong Police could be further strengthened to make contributions to the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong as well as the stability and unity of the country.

"The Hong Kong Police Force is well-trained, well-equipped and highly disciplined.  Since the re-unification of Hong Kong with the Mainland, the Hong Kong Police has accomplished various important missions in an outstanding fashion.

"Your performance and professionalism have won the trust and admiration of the public, and contributed notably to the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong.  We can be assured that the Force will continue to safeguard the rule of law and public order in the territory, enabling Hong Kong to remain as one of the safest cities in the world," he told the graduating officers.

Major General Zhang encouraged the graduates to uphold the motto of "Serving the community with pride and care" and make contributions to the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong in the performance of their duties. 

He added that being a member of the Police Force at this moment bore a special significance as there were only about a hundred days before the opening of the 2008 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Beijing, with Hong Kong co-hosting the Olympic Equestrian Events.

He said he was confident that the graduating officers would dedicate their best efforts to ensure the success of the Events and to showcase to the world the well-maintained public order in Hong Kong as well as its charm as a cosmopolitan city.

A total of 27 probationary inspectors, seven graduates of the Inspector Induction Course and 204 recruit constables passed out today.

Police Report No. 3

Ends/Saturday, April 12, 2008
Issued at HKT 12:50


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