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IOC Medical Director visits Hong Kong (with photos)

    The Medical and Scientific Director of the International Olympic Committee's Medical and Scientific Department, Dr Patrick Schamasch, today (April 11) began a two-day visit to Hong Kong to learn more about the progress made in the medical services arrangements for the 2008 Olympic and Paralympic Equestrian Events.
    Dr Schamasch first toured the Royal Park Hotel in Sha Tin, which will serve as the Olympic and Paralympic Village for athletes participating in the Games.

    He then visited the Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health (DH) to meet the Director of Health, Dr P Y Lam, who is also the Chief Medical Manager of the equestrian events, and representatives of the Equestrian Company, various government departments and medical parties.

    He toured CHP and visited the facilities of the Central Notification Office and Emergency Response Centre.

    Dr Schamasch was briefed on the progress of Hong Kong's preparedness plan in terms of medical service arrangements, prevention and control of public health incidents, communication mechanisms, food safety and related issues during the equestrian events.

    He said that he was deeply impressed by the work of the Hong Kong medical team for the Olympic Equestrian Events and thanked them for their efforts on behalf of IOC's President, Jacques Rogge.

    Before leaving Hong Kong, he will visit the Prince of Wales Hospital as well as the equine hospital in Sha Tin tomorrow.

Ends/Friday, April 11, 2008
Issued at HKT 19:38


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