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Retrofitting of noise barriers on Fanling Highway gazetted

    The Government today (April 11) published a notice in the Gazette on retrofitting of noise barriers to mitigate traffic noise along Fanling Highway from Po Shek Wu Road to Wo Hing Road. 

    The proposed works include erection of sections of cantilevered noise barriers approximately 2,700 metres long and sections of vertical noise barriers approximately 400m long on Fanling Highway between Po Shek Wu Road and MTR Fanling Station and its slip roads; erection of sections of cantilevered noise barriers approximately 1,400m long and sections of vertical noise barriers approximately 200m long on Fanling Highway between MTR Fanling Station and Wo Hing Road and its slip roads; other ancillary works including landscaping and drainage works, construction of maintenance accesses, and provision of temporary traffic diversions, traffic aids and street lighting.

    The works will commence in mid 2009 and are expected to be completed by end 2011. Some sections of the existing carriageways, footpaths and cycle tracks will be temporarily closed for resurfacing/reinstatement.

    The plans and scheme of the works are available for public inspection at the following government offices during office hours:

(i)  Central and Western District Office, Public Enquiry Service Centre, Unit 5, Ground Floor, The Center, 99 Queen's Road Central;

(ii)  District Lands Office, North, 6th Floor, North District Government Offices, 3 Pik Fung Road, Fanling; and

(iii) North District Office, 3rd Floor, North District Government Offices, 3 Pik Fung Road, Fanling.

    Any person who wishes to object to the proposed works or the use, or both, should write to the office of the Secretary for Transport and Housing, 16th Floor, Murray Building, Garden Road, Hong Kong, on or before June 10, 2008.

Ends/Friday, April 11, 2008
Issued at HKT 12:51


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