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LCQ12: Combatting theft of vehicles

    Following is a written reply by the Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs, Mr Stephen Lam, (in the absence of Secretary for Security) to a question by the Hon Andrew Cheng in the Legislative Council today (April 9):


    It has been reported that from time to time in recent years, there were cases in which law-breakers extorted ransom from owners of van-type light goods vehicles ("LGVs") after stealing their vehicles, threatening them that their vehicles would be set fire to if they refused to pay the ransom.  In this connection, will the Government inform this Council:

(a) of the respective numbers of reports, prosecutions and convictions involving van-type LGVs being stolen and their owners being extorted ransom in the past three years;

(b) whether the number of such extortion cases has been on the rise in recent years; and

(c) of the measures in place to step up efforts to combat such crimes?


Madam President,

(a) & (b) In the past three years (from 2005 to 2007), the number of reports, prosecutions and convictions concerning theft of van-type light goods vehicles ("LGVs") is as follows:

                            2005      2006    2007
                            ©¤©¤      ©¤©¤    ©¤©¤
Number of reports            254      300      422
Number of persons prosecuted  18      21      17
Number of persons convicted    17      18      16

    Before 2007, the Police did not keep figures on cases of theft of van-type LGVs involving extortion of ransom from the owners.  Regarding the 422 reports of theft of van-type LGVs in 2007, owners were extorted ransom in nine cases.  Prosecution actions were instituted for four of them with the persons involved in three cases being convicted.  After the Police have stepped up actions, they have not so far received any report of such extortion cases in the first quarter of 2008.

(c) The Police combat and prevent such crimes mainly through effective law enforcement and public education.  On law enforcement, the Police have adopted a targeted strategy by quickly identifying cases that may involve extortion of ransom from cases of theft of vehicles, and taking appropriate follow-up actions (for example, reminding owners of lost vehicles to make immediate reports to the Police if they are extorted ransom).  On receipt of reports of extortion from owners of lost vehicles, the Police will provide immediate assistance to the victims and quickly carry out in-depth investigation.  In addition, the Police will, in collaboration with the relevant industries, continue to work out effective measures to combat theft of vehicles (including van-type LGVs), for example, by discussing with the insurance industry and car park operators how to enhance measures to prevent theft of vehicles, and by working with organisations of the freight forwarding and logistic industry on how to prevent law-breakers from using containers to smuggle lost vehicles from Hong Kong.

    On the publicity and education front, the Police will continue to disseminate messages about prevention of theft of vehicles (including van-type LGVs) through the television programme "Police Report" - for example, that it is not advisable to display contact telephone numbers conspicuously on vehicles, and vehicle owners are urged to report to the Police immediately for assistance if their vehicles are stolen and if they are extorted money.  In addition, the Police also collaborate with organisations of the relevant industries in jointly taking forward publicity programmes to enhance anti-theft awareness among vehicle owners (for example, by appealing to vehicle owners to install more comprehensive anti-theft devices and distributing publicity leaflets to new vehicle owners).

Ends/Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Issued at HKT 17:56


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