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LCQ8: Figures on public meetings and public processions

    Following is a written reply by the Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs, Mr Stephen Lam, (in the absence of Secretary for Security) to a question by the Hon Lau Chin-shek in the Legislative Council today (April 9):


    Will the Government provide this Council with the following statistics relating to public meetings and public processions referred to in the Public Order Ordinance (Cap. 245)?

Public meetings and      2005      2006      2007
public processions
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Total number of cases

Number of cases for
which notifications
to the Police were
required under the

(i) and notifications
were given

(ii) but notifications
were not given

Number of cases for
which notifications
to the Police were
not required

(i) but notifications
were given

(ii) and notifications
were not given

Number of cases for which
notifications were given
after the notice period
stipulated in the Public
Order Ordinance

Number of persons who,
because of their
participation in public
meetings or public
processions, were

(i) arrested

(ii) prosecuted

(iii) convicted


Madam President,

    In response to the Member's question, the Administration provides the following figures:

Public meetings and    2005      2006      2007
public processions
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Total number of cases  1 900      2 228    3 824

Number of cases for
which notifications
to the Police were
required under the

(i) and notifications  1 067        981      1 004
were given

(ii) but notifications    23        24        30
were not given

Number of cases for
which notifications
to the Police were
not required

(i) but notifications      229        326      427
were given

(ii) and notifications    581        897    2 363
were not given (Note 1)

Number of cases for which  111        103      129
notifications were given
after the notice period
stipulated in the Public
Order Ordinance (Note 2)

Number of persons who,
because of their
participation in public
meetings or public
processions, were

(i) arrested              1 158        23      30

(ii) prosecuted              7          7      24

(iii) convicted              0          7        0

(Note 1) The figures include only cases that came to police officers' attention when they were on outdoor duty.

(Note 2) The figures shown in the table include only cases for which the organisers were warned by the Police, either verbally or by an advisory letter, for giving notification after the notice period stipulated in the Public Order Ordinance.  The Police do not keep statistics on cases for which the organisers were not warned (verbally or by an advisory letter) for giving notification after the notice period stipulated in the Public Order Ordinance.

Ends/Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Issued at HKT 16:50


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