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Food premises licensees reminded to prevent rodent infestation

    The Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) has reminded licensees of food premises to take measures to prevent rodent infestation and safeguard food safety and public health.

    In view of recent public concern about the rodent issue, the FEHD issued today (April 7) a letter together with a leaflet on how to eliminate rodent nuisance to the licensees, advising them to keep their premises clean to prevent rodents.

    In order not to provide food for rodents, the licensees are advised to wrap rubbish, food remnants and food waste in plastic bags before  putting them into sturdy litter bins with lids that should always be closed. The litter bins must be emptied at least once a day, and refuse should be disposed of the same day.

    No litter bins should be put in public places or rear lanes. The surroundings of the food premises, including pavements and rear lanes, must be kept clean.

    Harbourage for rodents should be eliminated by clearing up articles and useless items in food rooms, storage rooms, kitchens and in the premises, and tidying up regularly items that have been accumulated.

    For early detection of rodents at the premises, the licensees should carry out regular inspections. Private pest control service providers can be appointed to carry out rodent inspection and subsequent control work.

    The licensees are also advised to strengthen supervision of their staff to ensure that they strictly observe these preventive measures to keep the environment clean and free from rodent infestation.

    To raise awareness of rodent prevention and control, the FEHD will organise talks for the trade later this month on the biology of rodents, rodent proofing measures, environmental hygiene and relevant legislation.

    For more information about anti-rodent measures, members of the trade can also visit the FEHD¡¯s webpage at or call the department hotline at 2868 0000.

Ends/Monday, April 7, 2008
Issued at HKT 18:10


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