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Building safety and maintenance enhanced through a new grant scheme for elderly owners (with photos)

    The Secretary for Development, Mrs Carrie Lam, today (March 3) met with a group of elderly flat owners in Kwai Chung at the HKSKH Lady MacLehose Centre to brief them on a new grant scheme proposed by the Government to assist elderly owners to carry out building maintenance works.

    The Financial Secretary announced in his 2008-09 Budget Speech that the Government had earmarked $1 billion to help elders in need to carry out maintenance or safety improvement works for their self-occupied properties in the next five years. 

    Mrs Lam explained details of the ¡°Building Maintenance Grant Scheme for Elderly Owners¡± to the elders attending the meeting.  She particularly thanked the elderly participants for their views on building maintenance expressed to her during her visit to the Centre last November, which had helped Government in putting together the Grant Scheme.

    Under the proposed Scheme, elderly flat owners with income and assets not exceeding certain limits would receive a grant for carrying out the needed building safety and maintenance works, subject to a ceiling of $40,000.  ¡°Taking account of elders¡¯ feedback, these limits are set at levels which should benefit most elders in need,¡± Mrs Lam added.

    It was proposed that single elders with monthly income not exceeding $5,910 and total assets excluding their self-occupied property of no more than $338,000 would be eligible for the grant.  For an elderly couple, the income and asset limits were at $9,740 and $508,000 respectively.  The grant would be a welcome relief to elderly owners who had received orders from the Buildings Department to demolish unauthorised building structures or to maintain their buildings, who hitherto could only apply for a loan from the Department.

    Mrs Lam urged elderly owners to support Government¡¯s efforts in enhancing building safety and take early action together with the Owners Corporation in their buildings to timely comply with the Buildings Department¡¯s orders.

Ends/Monday, March 3, 2008
Issued at HKT 19:33


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