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SCMA visits Eastern District (with photos)

    The Secretary for Constitutional and Mainland Affairs, Mr Stephen Lam, visited Eastern District this afternoon (March 3) to get an update on the district. He took the opportunity to meet with ethnic minority housewives and exchanged views with District Council (DC) members on a wide range of subjects.

    Mr Lam first visited the Methodist Centre at Oi Tung Estate, Shau Kei Wan. The centre offers a variety of activities and integrated services for children, youth and their family members. He also met with a group of ethnic minority members of the centre, tasted some snacks prepared by them and listened to their views about living in Hong Kong.

    Mr Lam reiterated the Government's commitment to fostering the integration of ethnic minorities into the community and to facilitate their access to public services.

    The 2008/09 Budget has outlined a plan to enhance existing measures and introduce new initiatives, including setting up four regional support service centres for ethnic minorities. These centres will provide interpretation services needed by ethnic minorities in using medical and other public services, such as Government job centres and social welfare offices. They will also organise Chinese and English language training courses and other activities such as community integration programmes for them. Moreover, to enhance support for the learning and teaching of non-Chinese speaking students, notably ethnic minority students, the Government will, with effect from the next school year, offer on a recurrent basis the existing top-up cash grant for designated primary and secondary schools to put in place school-based support measures. The Government will endeavour to increase the number of designated schools from the current 19 to 25 over a period of two school years.

    Mr Lam then proceeded to Hoi Chak Street in Quarry Bay to inspect the recycle shops for waste paper and scrap metal in the area. He was briefed on the obstruction and environmental problems by District Officer Herman Cho.

    Before concluding his visit, Mr Lam met with Eastern DC members, including Chairman Ting Yuk-chee and Vice-chairman Chung Shu-kun, and exchanged views with them on a wide range of issues including district and livelihood affairs as well as constitutional development and election issues.

Ends/Monday, March 3, 2008
Issued at HKT 18:28


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