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Brussels ETO urges overseas talent, Olympic Games visitors to come to Hong Kong in the Year of the Rat (with photos)

    Hong Kong's irreplaceable position as China's global financial centre, our drive to attract overseas talent to come and contribute to the development of our economy and the Olympic Equestrian Events were the Brussels ETO's key messages to around 2,500 guests at Chinese New Year events held in 15 cities over the past four weeks.
    The Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office (ETO), Brussels, which covers 17 countries, co-hosted business seminars, luncheons, receptions and dinners in Amsterdam, Barcelona, Berlin, Brussels, Dublin, Frankfurt, The Hague, Lisbon, Luxembourg, Paris, Madrid, Milan, Munich, Rome and Zurich to celebrate the start of the Year of the Rat and renew links with its contacts in European institutions, national governments, business circles, academia and the media.

    At the invitation of the Brussels ETO, renowned Hong Kong jazz musician Eugene Pao and his quartet entertained guests in nine cities.

    Special Representative for Hong Kong Economic and Trade Affairs to the European Communities, Mr Duncan Pescod, said that since our very successful reunification with China in 1997, Hong Kong has lost none of the characteristics that set it apart as "Asia's world city".  In January it was ranked the world's freest economy by the US-based Heritage Foundation for the 14th year in a row. 

    "One of the advantages of being a small city with big ideas is that we can move swiftly when new opportunities present themselves," he remarked. "In 2004, we launched renminbi banking and last year we became the only place outside Mainland China to have a renminbi bond market.  Islamic finance is another promising market we are exploring."

    Mr Pescod said that one of Hong Kong's greatest resources is its hardworking, well-educated and enterprising people. To stay ahead of competition in the region, Hong Kong also wants to encourage more of the best and brightest individuals from overseas to come to the territory.

    The criteria for the Quality Migrant Scheme had recently been relaxed and a Capital Investment Entry Scheme was available for those wishing to contribute to our society by investing in the city, he said.

    Turning to the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, Mr Pescod said that Hong Kong was delighted that it would be taking part in this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity by staging the Olympic and Paralympic Equestrian Events. 

    "Our preparations are well-advanced, and we are determined to stage the best-ever equestrian events. We look forward to welcoming all the competitors, officials, spectators and visitors to the Games, so do come and help us celebrate the Olympic spirit!" he concluded.

    Hong Kong won praise from some of the VIP guests at the Brussels ETO events.

    Addressing 500 guests at a buffet dinner co-hosted with the Belgium-Hong Kong Society and the Hong Kong Trade Development Council (HKTDC) in Brussels on February 15, Belgian Foreign Minister Karel De Gucht said, "We, in Belgium, can learn from your innovative and enterprising spirit, your openness to the world, embracing the predominantly positive aspects of a world becoming more global every day."

    Mr De Gucht said that all the major Belgian companies, numbering more than one hundred, were established in Hong Kong, with many of them having their regional headquarters there. The ministry received few complaints, he said.

    "On the contrary, I should say: our annual trade barriers survey almost invariably provides a blank, positive answer for Hong Kong.  Belgian citizens living and/or working in Hong Kong always repeat the high esteem and sympathy they all have for Hong Kong."

    The minister said that connecting East and West, Hong Kong is a centre of gravity for Asia, and fulfilled a role equivalent to that of Brussels and Belgium in Europe. China's overall development was adding further impetus to Belgium's relations with Hong Kong in particular.

    "Hong Kong is and will remain a very important partner to us.  Once a modest fishermen's harbour, and now a global player, acting as a gateway to China and Asia as a whole," he said.

    Mr De Gucht added that in this year of the Olympic Games, he was sure many Belgians going to the Games would seize the opportunity to visit Hong Kong.

    The Irish Minister for Trade and Commerce, Mr John McGuinness, was the guest of honour at a business luncheon in Dublin on February 28 co-hosted with the Ireland Hong Kong Business Forum and the HKTDC.

    Addressing over 100 guests representing some of Ireland's foremost companies, the minister said he was delighted that fears that reunification could lead to some curtailment of Hong Kong's dynamic business environment had proved groundless.

    "We in the West can claim no monopoly of business drive and economic growth, and for many years it was Hong Kong which led the way and shone a beacon in the region and created wealth on a truly impressive scale."

    The minister added, "For Ireland, as for so many other countries, Hong Kong plays a valuable role in gaining access to the Mainland Chinese market. We also import significant quantities of goods and services from Hong Kong and it is only natural that a strong two-way trade has developed."

    The Brussels ETO's last two Chinese New Year events will take place on March 6, in Lisbon and Munich.

Ends/Monday, March 3, 2008
Issued at HKT 19:16


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