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Government announces 2008 Digital 21 Strategy

    The Government today (December 21) announced the 2008 Digital 21 Strategy, the latest blueprint for the development of information and communications technology (ICT) in Hong Kong.

     Speaking at a press briefing today, the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Frederick Ma, said: "The strategy sets out the vision of building on Hong Kong's position as a world digital city through advancing our achievements and seizing new opportunities."

     Mr Ma also announced the launching of his dedicated blog on the strategy (, saying that the blog is a new platform to enable members of the public to exchange views with the Government on the newly released strategy.

     The blog features video clips of Mr Ma sharing his views on ICT development and visiting various organisations which are using ICT to enhance the effectiveness of their business operations.

     "The Digital 21 Strategy is a dynamic roadmap that is flexible and adaptive to take into account changes in the technological landscape and the evolving needs of society. I hope that my blog may help lay members of the public to better understand the strategy and the importance of ICT development in our everyday life," Mr Ma said.

     Under the new strategy, five action areas have been identified to achieve the vision of enhancing Hong Kong's status as a world digital city:

I. Facilitating a digital economy - Government continues to play a significant role as a user, supporter and facilitator of ICT and its applications.

II. Promoting advanced technology and innovation - Maintain Hong Kong's edge as a world digital city for technology adoption and innovation

III. Developing Hong Kong as a hub for technological cooperation and trade - Harness Hong Kong's role as the two-way platform for Mainland enterprises to bring in foreign investment and participate in the global economy; foster a vibrant ICT industry with a knowledgeable and versatile workforce; and ensure the continued presence of an environment that is conducive to technological business.

IV. Enabling the next generation of public services - Use ICT to re-engineer process to improve public service delivery

V. Building an inclusive, knowledge-based society - Ensure that the benefits of ICT adoption are widely available to different segments of the community, including disadvantaged groups.

     "We will work with all stakeholders in the implementation of the strategy so as to accelerate Hong Kong's transition to a knowledge-based economy, and to bring economic benefits and improved standards of living to the society," Mr Ma said.

      "Members of the public are most welcome to visit my blog and leave me their comments. I value your views and will post my thinking through text or video clips on Hong Kong's ICT development in the next few months," he added.

     The Digital 21 Strategy was first promulgated in 1998 with the aim of enhancing and promoting Hong KongĄ¯s information infrastructure and services to make Hong Kong a leading digital city in the globally connected world of the 21st century. The strategy was subsequently reviewed and updated in 2001 and 2004.

     The full version of the 2008 Digital 21 Strategy can be downloaded from the Digital 21 website:

Ends/Friday, December 21, 2007
Issued at HKT 16:00


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