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CE meets pan-democratic legislators to discuss universal suffrage (with photos)

   The Chief Executive, Mr Donald Tsang, met pan-democratic legislators at Government House today (December 20) to discuss the issue of universal suffrage. Following is the translation of his opening remarks:

    "I believe we all appreciate that this is an important juncture in our constitutional history. To pursue universal suffrage for Hong Kong, I have acted in accordance with the constitutional requirements to request the Standing Committee of the National People¡¯s Congress to confirm that the electoral arrangements for 2012 may be amended.

    In my report on constitutional development submitted to the Standing Committee of the NPC, I have reflected the views of the public on implementing universal suffrage for the Chief Executive election in 2012.  At the same time, I have made the judgment that implementing universal suffrage for the Chief Executive election in 2017 will stand a better chance of being accepted by the majority in our community.  I have also stated that setting the timetable for implementing universal suffrage can help resolve the issues involved. I am confident that the Central Authorities and the Standing Committee of the NPC will give serious consideration to my views.

    Universal suffrage has been an issue of political contention since 1980s; this issue is very divisive in our community.  Now is the time to bring an end to ceaseless arguments. I understand that the goal of universal suffrage, and my electoral promise, cannot be attained solely on my own.  We must all work together in a rational and pragmatic manner to forge consensus, narrow differences and resolve social divisions.

    Attaining universal suffrage will not be an easy mission to accomplish.  This will require wisdom and resolve.

    I have referred the letter of the pan-democrat legislators to the Standing Committee of the NPC.  Principal Officials responsible for this matter have spent more than 10 hours listening to the views of Members and responding to their questions in both plenary and panel meetings of the Legislative Council.  I myself am fully prepared to listen further to Members¡¯ views.  The Standing Committee of the NPC will deliberate on the report on constitutional development next week.  I firmly believe that, with resolve and patience, we can accomplish the mission.  I have no doubt about your resolve, but patience is equally important."

Ends/Thursday, December 20, 2007
Issued at HKT 18:31


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