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Home Affairs launches "Tin Shui Wai Neighbourhood Mutual Help" scheme

    The Home Affairs Department has earmarked about $2 million to launch the "Tin Shui Wai Neighbourhood Mutual Help" sponsorship scheme (2007/08) to further promote a neighbourhood caring culture there.

     The sponsorship scheme, which aims to build and strengthen the support network at neighbourhood level, is now available for application by Mutual Aid Committees (MACs) in Tin Shui Wai.

     Letters detailing the scheme and application procedures have been sent to all MACs in Tin Shui Wai by the Yuen Long District Office. Each MAC can apply for sponsorship of up to $20,000 to organise one or more events for the year 2007/08 to promote a closer and caring mutual help network in the neighbourhood.

     The Home Affairs Department said that MACs played an important role in building closer ties and better networking for residents at neighbourhood level, and the scheme, in sponsoring the network building activities of MACs, could help foster a more caring and supportive culture among neighbours.

     "Since 2004, the Yuen Long District Office has worked with the Yuen Long District Social Welfare Office, non-governmental organisations and MACs in Tin Shui Wai to organise activities for residents in the district," the District Officer of Yuen Long, Mr James Chan, said.

     "We hope residents will become closer by joining these activities and gradually build a more effective supportive network in the neighbourhood," he said.

Ends/Thursday, December 13, 2007
Issued at HKT 16:33


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