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Olympic Sport and Art Competition calls for entries

    The Sports Federation and Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China, and the Leisure and Cultural Services Department will jointly hold an "Olympic Sport and Art Competition" to celebrate the 2008 Beijing Olympics.

     Local residents are invited to submit works for the competition.

     The theme of the competition is "Sport and Olympism" and it aims to strengthen the  relationship and promote the synergy between local sport and art. There are two categories - sculpture and graphic works (including painting, photography, digital arts, engraving) - with no restrictions on the choice of techniques. Entrants may enrol for both categories, but no more than one work should be submitted for each category. All entrants must be Hong Kong residents aged 18 or above.

     Interested parties should submit a CD-ROM with digital images of the entries, colour printouts of the images and completed entry form (appended with a brief biography of the entrant) to the Art Promotion Office (APO) at the Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre at 7A Kennedy Road, Central, Hong Kong, by 6pm on January 8, 2008.

     A jury will assess the entries by how well each one relates to the theme of "Sport and Olympism", as well as artistic merit, creativity and technique. Short-listed entrants will be invited to present actual works for further selection. The final selected works will be eligible to enter the international phase of the competition in Lausanne, Switzerland, from March to August 2008. Awarded works of this phase will be displayed in the Lausanne Olympic Museum. Cash awards will also be granted to selected entries of the competition in Hong Kong.

     Application forms and entry regulations are available on APO's website:

     For details, please visit APO's website. For enquiries, call APO's Public Art Team at 3101 2732.

Ends/Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Issued at HKT 19:16


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