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Secondary School Profiles 2007-2008 released

The following is issued on behalf of the Committee on Home-School Co-operation:

     The Committee on Home-School Co-operation (CHSC) today (December 11) released the cyber version (in Chinese and English) of the Secondary School Profiles 2007-2008. The printed version (in Chinese) will be delivered to primary schools in the next few days for distribution to parents of Primary Six students.  

     The Profiles cover basic information of more than 400 secondary schools. The information, including information on teaching staff, school facilities, class structure, school life, extra-curricular activities, school characteristics, was provided by schools as at September, 2007.

     With such essential information, the Profiles aim to facilitate parents to make informed choice of secondary schools for their children. Chairman of the CHSC Professor Wong Po-choi also shared in an article entitled "To appreciate your children, to appreciate your school"  - his insight regarding selection of schools.

     The Profiles were first posted on the Internet in 2003 to enable schools to update their information on the web direct whenever necessary so that the most updated school information could be made available to parents. The cyber version was very popular, with the average number of browsers exceeding 1.5 million per year and the number of page views nearly 26 million.

     Parents of the children who are going to study Secondary One in September 2008 will receive one copy of the Profiles published by district through their respective schools. Besides, each primary school will be provided with a full set of the printed version of the Profiles, covering other districts, for parents' reference.

     For the cyber version, the public may visit the homepage of CHSC at or the Profiles at Hard copies of the Profiles will also be available at the District Offices, public libraries, Regional Education Offices, and the Central Resources Centre of EDB starting from mid-December.

     For enquiries about the Profiles, please contact the following:

       Hong Kong Regional Education Office (Tel: 2863 4646);
       Kowloon Regional Education Office (Tel: 3698 4108);
       New Territories East Regional Education Office (Tel: 2639 4876);  
       New Territories West Regional Education Office (Tel: 2437 7272); or
       The CHSC Secretariat (Tel: 3698 4379 or 3698 4376)

Ends/Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Issued at HKT 16:01


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