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CSD holds workshop on assessment and treatment of violent offenders (with photos)

    A three-day workshop on the assessment and treatment of violent offenders, organised by the Correctional Services Department (CSD), started today (December 11) at the department's Staff Training Institute in Stanley.

     Some 60 clinical psychologists and rehabilitation staff of the department and its counterparts from overseas and local agencies attended the workshop today. An internationally renowned clinical psychology expert from Canada, Dr Ralph Serin, was invited to conduct the workshop.

     The theme of the workshop, "Assessment and Treatment of Violent Offenders", reflects local concerns about the management of the problem of violent offenders.

     In Hong Kong, about 20% of the entire penal population of some 11,000 was convicted of serious violent offences, including domestic violence. Therefore, professional assessment and treatment of violent offenders, along with a series of rehabilitative services, is one of the main focuses of the department.

     As required by the Courts and relevant statutory bodies, CSD's clinical psychologists provide professional consultation to violent offenders and assessment reports on them to facilitate sentencing and release decisions.

     In the meantime, CSD's clinical psychologists have designed a violence prevention programme - a specialised programme for violent offenders who need psychological services and have serious behavioural problems. The programme aims to address criminal violence and the risk of re-offending through a comprehensive range of treatment modules. These include: enhancement of treatment motivation, understanding violence, anger management, problem-solving skills, cognitive re-structuring, conflict resolution skills training, assertiveness training, self-control, victim empathy enhancement and relapse prevention.

     The programme also includes a specific module for perpetrators of domestic violence. Its aim is to achieve family re-integration without resorting to the use of violence with significant others.

     The objective of holding this three-day workshop is to enhance professional development and exchange of experience among clinical psychologists, related professionals and their counterparts. It is one of the many continuous efforts of CSD to provide professional development for staff and improved correctional practice for inmates through the effective treatment, management and supervision of high risk offenders.

Ends/Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Issued at HKT 17:30


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