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Building safety contributes to quality city life (with photos)

    Echoing the Chief Executive's pledge on Quality City, Quality Life in his 2007-08 Policy Address, the Secretary for Development, Mrs Carrie Lam, said today (October 14) that the Government will work with the public to promote building safety.

     Speaking at the opening ceremony of the Building Safety Carnival at Victoria Park, Mrs Lam said that the Administration has mapped out a series new and ongoing initiatives to create quality city life in Hong Kong.

     On building safety, apart from ongoing work of the Buildings Department in promoting proper maintenance, legislation will be introduced before end of the year to put in place a minor works control system. This will simplify the statutory requirements and procedures for carrying out small-scale buildings works, such as the erection of supporting frames for air-conditioners, repair of windows and drainage pipes etc., thereby enhancing building safety.

     The Government will then proceed to draft legislation on a mandatory building inspection scheme and a mandatory window inspection scheme to require private building owners to inspect their buildings and windows regularly so as to ensure public saftety. Necessary assistance and support measures will also be put in place to assist owners in complying with the safety requirements.

     The Government will also work closely with the Urban Renewal Authority (URA) and Hong Kong Housing Society (HKHS) to assist owners of older buildings to properly manage and maintain their buildings.

     "The successful implementation of all these measures will require the active participation and support by all of you. The Government will join hand with the community to achieve this important mission of creating a safe and comfortable living environment in Hong Kong,Ħħ Mrs Lam said.

     The carnival, jointly organised by the Buildings Department, HKHS and URA, is aimed at promoting timely maintenance of buildings in order to ensure public safety. The carnival featured performances by popular singers and artistes, exhibition and game booths.

     Also officiating at today's ceremony were the Director of Buildings, Mr Cheung Hau-wai, the Chairman of the HKHS, Mr Yeung Ka-sing and the Chairman of the URA, Mr Barry Cheung Chun-yuen.

Ends/Sunday, October 14, 2007
Issued at HKT 16:08


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