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21 people commended for saving lives at sea (with photo)

    The Director of Marine, Mr Roger Tupper, today (February 26) presented commendations to 21 people who risked their lives to rescue others in Hong Kong waters last year.

     Receiving the commendations were 15 police officers, three crewmembers from the Star Ferry Co Ltd, two civilians, and a staff member of the Asiatic Marine Ltd.

     Mr Tupper said the Marine Department was responsible for all maritime matters in Hong Kong and the safety standards of all classes and types of vessels.  

     "A key commitment is to ensure safe operation of the port so that every ship that comes to Hong Kong can carry out its business smoothly and efficiently.  This commitment extends to safety of recreational boating which has experienced a surge in popularity in recent years," Mr Tupper said.

     "In recognition of this development, the department will introduce some new measures this year to raise awareness of safe operation of pleasure craft in the vicinity of beaches in order to reduce excessive speeding in such recreational zones. To achieve this, the department will partner with the Marine Police and the Leisure and Cultural Services Department to launch a series of educational seminars and publicity campaigns.  

     "In addition, we will produce an Announcement in the Public Interest promoting considerate driving behaviour at sea and finally a public ambassador will be established to spread the marine safety message across the community."

     In the port environment, Mr Tupper pointed out that the Harbour Patrol Section would step up its efforts in law enforcement to prevent over-speeding, as it continued its regular patrols to reduce risk of collision incidents in congested areas of Hong Kong waters.

     "We trust that all these measures will enhance marine safety in the years ahead and Hong Kong will continue to be one of the safest and most efficient ports in the world and provide a safe environment for marine leisure activities," he said.

Ends/Monday, February 26, 2007
Issued at HKT 17:07


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