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Mainland and HK team up to enhance food safety of poultry eggs

   A spokesman for the Health, Welfare and Food Bureau (HWFB) today (December 30) further elaborated a new measure to ensure food safety of poultry eggs mentioned by the Chief Executive, Mr Donald Tsang, on December 28.

    The State General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ) announced a series of measures to step up control on poultry eggs on November 28.

    Since then, AQSIQ has implemented a listing regime for egg farms and required Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureaux in various provinces and municipalities to test for Sudan dyes in poultry eggs prior to export.

    The arrangements on strengthened control on batch number and identification for exported poultry eggs and the issuance of health certificates for eggs would also be implemented on January 1, 2007 in an orderly manner.

    As Mainland eggs come from different provinces while Mainland many manufacturers and local wholesalers will be on holiday on New Year's Day, it is expected that most of the consignments of poultry eggs issued with health certificates would arrive in Hong Kong a few days later.

    "The measures will facilitate the trade to import eggs from channels of quality assurance and help enforcement agencies trace the source of eggs more effectively. After the implementation of health certificate issuance, the HWFB will proceed to enact legislation to regulate the import and sale of poultry eggs and plan to propose legislative amendments to the Legislative Council in three months. Meanwhile, we will continue to inspect poultry eggs sold in local markets to ensure food safety", the spokesman said.

    The spokesman also appealed to the trade to procure products from manufacturers and exporters complying with the requirements of the Mainland authorities.

Ends/Saturday, December 30, 2006
Issued at HKT 12:14