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HKSAR 10th Anniversary Photo Competition runs until Jan 12

    Hong Kong people are invited to participate in a photo competition celebrating the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

     Camera buffs can use their imagination to capture images that reflect Hong Kong's success over the past decade and people's positive attitude and entrepreneurial spirit. This competition has already started and will run until January 12, 2007.

     The theme of the anniversary celebrations will be the successful implementation of "One Country, Two Systems" and the Hong Kong spirit.

     The photo competition is organised by the Home Affairs Department and Information Services Department with 18 District Offices as co-organisers. It is held at district and territory levels and comprises three categories: Youth (aged 10 to 17), Open (aged 18 or above) and Mobile Phone (open to all ages).

     Entries for the Youth and Open categories can either be colour film photos or digital photos of 5.0 megapixels or above. Entrants in these two categories will have chances to win prizes at both the district and territory levels.

     Each of the 18 districts will return five winners each for the Youth and Open categories who will automatically enter the territory-wide competition. At the territory level, there will be one Champion, First Runner-Up, Second Runner-Up and 10 Awards of Merit for each of the three categories.

     Interested people can now collect copies of a leaflet containing the entry form for the Youth and Open categories at the Public Enquiry Service Centres operated by the 18 District Offices. Details of the photo competition and the entry form can also be downloaded from the website at Please call 2835 2500 for enquiries.

     The Mobile Phone Category is held only at the territory level. Photographs taken with a PDA will also be accepted. Entries should be in full colour and sent via email to with the entrant's personal email address.

     Winners will be awarded with cash prizes, gift coupons ranging from HK$300 to HK$7,000, and trophies. They will be notified individually by email or by phone in March, 2007, and invited to attend a prize presentation ceremony.

     Winning entries will be displayed on the website,, and at venues to be announced later.

     Mr Ng Lin-sing, one of the judges of the Photo Competition, gave an interview to

Ends/Saturday, December 23, 2006
Issued at HKT 10:00