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Appointments of the Honours Committee and Non-official Justices of the Peace Selection Committee

    The Government today (December 22)  announced the following appointments to the Honours Committee and Non-official Justices of the Peace (JPs) Selection Committee for the year 2007.

(A) Honours Committee

Chief Secretary for Administration (Chairman)
Financial Secretary
The Honourable Leung Chun-ying, GBS, JP
The Honourable Cheng Yiu-tong, SBS, JP
The Honourable Charles Lee Yeh-kwong, GBM, GBS, JP
Dr the Honourable Edward Leong Che-hung, GBS, JP
Dr James Z. M. Kung, GBS
Professor Edward Chen Kwan-yiu, GBS, JP
Dr Raymond Ch'ien Kuo-fung, GBS, JP
Secretary for Home Affairs
Chairman, Public Service Commission
Director, Chief Executive's Office
Director of Protocol (Secretary)

(B) Non-official Justices of the Peace (JPs) Selection Committee

Chief Secretary for Administration (Chairman)
The Honourable Leung Chun-ying, GBS, JP
The Honourable Andrew Liao Cheung-sing, SBS, SC, JP
The Honourable Bernard C. Chan, GBS, JP
The Honourable Charles Lee Yeh-kwong, GBM, GBS, JP
The Honourable Ronald Joseph Arculli, GBS, JP
Secretary for Home Affairs
Director, Chief Executive's Office
Director of Administration
Deputy Director of Administration (1) (Secretary)

     The Honours Committee considers nominations and makes recommendations for an honour or award given to individuals in recognition of their significant contribution to Hong Kong or dedicated public and community service. The Non-official JPs Selection Committee considers nominations and makes recommendations for the appointment of non-official JPs.

     The main function of JPs is to visit custodial institutions or detention centres to ensure that they are effectively managed and that no inmate is unfairly treated or deprived of his or her rights.

     The annual Honours List and the list of new JP appointments are normally published in the Government Gazette on the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Establishment Day (July 1).

Ends/Friday, December 22, 2006
Issued at HKT 14:01