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FEHD meets family member on cremation case

    The Deputy Director of Food and Environmental Hygiene (Administration and Development), Ms Chan Woon-yee, regarding a cremation case in Kwai Chung Crematorium on October 20 this year, met a family member of the deceased today (December 20). She said that based on the information available, there was no reason to believe the case involved cremation of a wrong body and the incident did not involve handling of other bodies.

     Ms Chan said, "According to information provided by the funeral agent, and upon checking relevant documents and records, it was believed that the funeral agent had wrongly put down the first name of another deceased onto the concerned deceased's coffin. However, the surname of the deceased tallied with the cremation papers.

     "The family members concerned were present throughout the process when the coffin was transferred from the funeral parlour to the crematorium. In addition, accompanied by a representative of the funeral agent, the crematorium manager opened the coffin to check the particulars on the deceased¡¯s bracelet. The cremation took place after having confirmed that the particulars on the bracelet matched with those on the cremation documents and ash bag."

     She reiterated that the case only involved names of two deceased instead of four. During the FEHD's press briefing on December 1, the department, based on the information provided by the funeral agent that day, said that the surname was wrongly written but the first name was correct. However, it was later found from the records made available that the funeral agent had put down the first name of another deceased body on the coffin concerned, but the surname matched that on the cremation documents and ash bag.

     Ms Chan said the department had further looked into the record of the other body and understood that the deceased was sent to another crematorium from the mortuary direct on October 20. The particulars were confirmed to be correct before cremation took place.
     Ms Chan said she had explained the situation clearly to the family member at the meeting. On reports which quoted the FEHD as saying that the incident might have involved the handling of four bodies, Ms Chan said it was untrue and was totally groundless.

     Regarding the request by the family member to conduct a DNA test, Ms Chan said representatives of the Government Laboratory had pointed out in the meeting that the chance for successful verification was slim as the ashes had been treated under high temperature. The department, however, would make every effort to entertain the request and arrangements had already been made today for the family member sending the ashes to the Government Laboratory for testing.

     Ms Chan added that the FEHD had reviewed and amended the cremation procedures. The crematorium staff are requested to cross-check the name of the deceased on the coffin, the ash bag and related documents upon the coffin¡¯s arrival. In case of discrepancies, the family members concerned would be asked immediately to confirm that things are in order before proceeding with cremation. The coffin would not be opened under normal circumstances. In exceptional cases, prior approval by an Assistant Director of the department would be sought, and the coffin would only be opened in the presence of the family members and under the surveillance of closed-circuit TV.

     In addition, the department has written to the funeral trade reminding them to ensure that the names on the coffins match with that on the cremation permits.

     Ms Chan also said investigations regarding other aspects of the case were underway, adding that the department would give an account of findings when available.

Ends/Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Issued at HKT 19:49