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CHP closely monitors hand, foot and mouth outbreaks

    The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health today (December 15) called on managers of child care centres, kindergartens and primary schools to take preventive measures against hand, foot and mouth disease as there was a recent increase in the number of cases in these institutions.

     A CHP spokesman said a total of 18 hand, foot and mouth outbreaks affecting 65 people in these institutions had been reported to the CHP in the two weeks since December 1.

     "This showed an increase compared with an average of six reported outbreaks per week in the consecutive eight weeks before this month.  

     "The figure of this month is also higher than that in the same period last year when there were fewer than two institutional outbreaks per week," the spokesman said.

     Moreover, the CHP's sentinel surveillance systems for hand, foot and mouth disease at general outpatient clinics, private doctors and child care centres, also showed a rising trend in the past week.

     "We will closely monitor the situation and have already sent letters to the institutions concerned to remind them to be on the alert and to strictly observe personal and environmental hygiene measures," the spokesman said.

     Hand, foot and mouth disease is a common childhood infectious disease that occurs throughout the year in Hong Kong. The main symptoms are fever, sore throat, skin rash over hands and feet, and blisters in the mouth, and on the tongue and palate.

     The disease is mainly transmitted by the faecal-oral route. Direct contact with open and weeping blisters on the skin may also spread the virus.

     In most cases, the fever, rash and ulcers subside in a week and full recovery is usual. Complications are uncommon.

     To prevent hand, foot and mouth disease, members of the public should observe the following measures:

* Maintain good circulation;

* Wash hands before eating and after going to the toilet and changing nappies;

* Never share personal items such as towels and eating utensils;

* Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces, furniture, and toilets regularly with diluted household bleach (1 part bleach to 99 parts water);

* Disinfect toys/places that are contaminated by secretions or excreta with diluted household bleach (1 part bleach to 49 parts water);

* Parents should seek medical advice if their children develop symptoms of hand, foot and mouth disease;

* Children suffering from hand, foot and mouth disease should stay at home and avoid contacting other children until the illness has passed.

For more advice on the prevention of hand, foot and mouth disease, members of the public may visit the CHP's website ( or call the Central Health Education Unit hotline 2833 0111.

Ends/Friday, December 15, 2006
Issued at HKT 17:21