Draft Ha Tsuen Outline Zoning Plan approved

    The Chief Executive in Council has approved the draft Ha Tsuen Outline Zoning Plan (OZP).

     "The approved OZP provides a statutory land use planning framework to guide the development and redevelopment within the Ha Tsuen area," a spokesman for the Town Planning Board (the Board) said today (November 10).

      Six areas along both sides of Ping Ha Road and on the western side of Lau Fau Shan Road totalling 77 hectares are zoned "Comprehensive Development Area" to facilitate the phasing out of incompatible open storage uses and other industrial activities in the areas.  

      About 58.3 hectares of land is zoned "Residential (Group D)" to encourage residential upgrading. To demarcate both existing recognized villages and land suitable for village expansion, about 82.8 hectares of land is zoned "Village Type Development".

      A large area of 94 hectares to the west of Tseung Kwong Wai is zoned "Recreation", while 8.4 hectares to the north of Shek Po Tsuen is zoned "Open Storage". A total of 11 hectares of land is zoned "Government, Institution or Community".

     About 5.2 hectares of land is zoned "Open Space" to provide recreational opportunities for the local population and to provide a buffer between open storage uses and the village settlements or planned residential developments.  

     About 50.6 hectares of the agricultural land in Ngau Hom Sha and Ngau Hom Shek is zoned "Agriculture". Four areas of 166.7 hectares of land are zoned "Green Belt" to define the limit of urban development areas. To retain the existing natural and coastal features, about 81 hectares and 30.3 hectares of land are zoned "Conservation Area" and "Coastal Protection Area" respectively.

     A petrol filling station of 0.2 hectare near Sha Chau Lei Tsuen is zoned "Other Specified Uses" annotated "Petrol Filling Station". Some 42 hectares to the east of Tin Ha Road and Ping Ha Toad is zoned "Undetermined" as these areas are affected by the West Rail alignment and development is subject to planning permission.

     The approved Ha Tsuen OZP No. S/YL-HT/8 is now available for public inspection during normal office hours at the Secretariat of the Town Planning Board, the Planning Enquiry Counters of Planning Department, the Tuen Mun and Yuen Long District Planning Office, the Yuen Long District Office, the Ha Tsuen and Ping Shan District Rural Committees.

     Copies of the approved plan are available for sale at the Map Publications Centres in North Point and Yau Ma Tei. The electronic version of the plan can be viewed on the Town Planning Board's website at http://www.info.gov.hk/tpb/.

Ends/Friday, November 10, 2006
Issued at HKT 15:40