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CE promotes closer links with France (with photos)

    The Chief Executive, Mr Donald Tsang, has today (November 9, Paris time) urged French companies - especially Small and Medium-sized Enterprises - to use Hong Kong's unique advantages as a stepping stone to the Asian and Mainland China markets.

     In political and business meetings, Mr Tsang highlighted the advantages offered by the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement with the Mainland, the potential of a 470-million strong common market under the Pan-PRD initiative and Hong Kong's role as a centre for international finance, trade and shipping as outlined in the National 11th Five-Year Plan.

     Mr Tsang echoed similar comments in meetings with French President Jacques Chirac and the President of the National Assembly's Foreign Affairs Commission, Mr Edouard Balladur.

     The Chief Executive said President Chirac described relations between Hong Kong and France as excellent and noted that he was keen to strengthen trade and cultural contacts.

     Mr Tsang welcomed a suggestion by President Chirac to further enhance the 'Le French May' cultural festival in Hong Kong, which is the biggest French cultural festival in Asia.  

     During a meeting with Mr Balladur, the Chief Executive encouraged French political leaders to visit Hong Kong as often as possible, particularly after elections in France next year.    

     Speaking at the Hong Kong France Business Partnership Plenary, Mr Tsang urged French SMEs to use Hong Kong as their stepping stone into Asia and the China market.

     "Hong Kong has been described as the SME capital of the world," he said.

     "We have thrived on SMEs and know how to service SMEs. We have the institutional software, the links with the Mainland, the networks within Asia, the international contacts and the concentration of French business that all add up to a winning formula.

     "The market in the Mainland of China, in particular, can be a confusing place for the newcomer. In Hong Kong, we can help SMEs to find their bearings. As the President of the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Hong Kong, Mr Richard Burton, said recently: 'Working in Hong Kong gives you a decade of China experience overnight.' I could not have put it better myself."

     Mr Tsang highlighted the strong Hong Kong - France links in a keynote speech to more than 300 people and opening remarks at a Hong Kong France Business Partnership Plenary.

     "France and Hong Kong have a close economic and trade relationship, and it's a relationship that has been getting stronger," Mr Tsang said at a business lunch organised by the Hong Kong Trade Development Council.

     "Hong Kong is home to the largest French community in East Asia . . . we have the highest concentration of French companies in Asia, about 570, of which about one-third are regional operations.

     "French businesses have been in Hong Kong for more than 110 years - and there's a reason for it. Hong Kong offers the best platform for international business in Asia.

     "But, equally enticing, is the role we have been developing as a business platform in the rapidly developing China market."

     He welcomed ongoing efforts between Hong Kong and France to strengthen co-operation, which included the signing in Paris today of two agreements between Hong Kong and France - a Memorandum of Understanding on Culture and an Agreement on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons.

     Tomorrow, the Chief Executive will hold a breakfast meeting with French business leaders, deliver a keynote speech at the Hong Kong - Guangdong Business Conference and address the French Institute for International Relations.

Ends/Friday, November 10, 2006
Issued at HKT 03:08


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