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LCQ5: Maintenance of the Home Ownership Scheme Courts

    Following is a question by Ir Dr the Hon HO Chung-tai and an oral reply by the Secretary for Housing, Planning and Lands, Mr Michael Suen, in the Legislative Council today (Nov 1):


     It has been reported that a number of Home Ownership Scheme ("HOS") estates in Hong Kong are more than 20 years old, and the concrete layers of the external walls of buildings in such estates are spalling off.  In Hong Nga Court in Lam Tin, for example, cases of concrete spalling off the air-conditioner canopy have started to emerge six years after the estate was completed, and the cumulative number of such cases has reached some 1 000 in three years.  In this connection, will the Government inform this Council:

(a) whether the authorities will consider implementing redevelopment projects for those HOS estates which are old and dilapidated;

(b) for those old HOS estates where no major repair and maintenance works have ever been carried out, whether assistance will be provided to the owners to facilitate them to carry out regular inspections or repair works; and

(c) regarding the HOS flats and buildings which are posing safety threats but the owners concerned have refused to carry out repair works, what measures the authorities will adopt to require the owners concerned to repair their flats/buildings?


Madam President,

     Before answering the Honourable MemberĄŻs question, I would like to point out that all the 145 Home Ownership Scheme (HOS) courts in Hong Kong are under 30 years of age at present.  Their daily management is undertaken by professional property management companies appointed by OwnersĄŻ Corporations.  HOS courts are well-maintained and the building provisions are in good upkeep.  HOS courts become private properties after sale.  Their owners are responsible for the timely maintenance of the buildings to ensure that all parts are in good conditions.

     Concrete spalling off the air-conditioner canopy at Hong Nga Court in Lam Tin is an isolated incident.  The Housing Department has all along been discussing the repair arrangements with the OwnersĄŻ Corporation of Hong Nga Court.  In July 2006, it was accepted that repair works should proceed and agreement was reached through mediation.  The OwnersĄŻ Corporation of Hong Nga Court is now making preparations to tender out the maintenance works.

     My reply to the three-part question is as follows:

(a) As mentioned above, HOS courts become private properties after sale.  All HOS courts are under 30 years of age and are well-maintained.  Whether or not to redevelop them is not a subject for the Government to consider.

(b) The Government will not conduct any regular inspection and maintenance for private properties.

(c) As mentioned above, generally speaking, HOS buildings are well-maintained and should not pose any safety threats.  

Ends/Wednesday, November 1, 2006
Issued at HKT 13:06