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CE speaks to the media after LegCo's Q&A session

    Following is a transcript of remarks (English portion) by the Chief Executive, Mr Donald Tsang, after attending the Legislative Council's Question and Answer Session this afternoon (July 10):

Chief Executive: I undertook earlier that I would increase the frequency and length of time of exchange, question time in the Legislative Council. Now, we are approaching the end of this season, I have counted back the number of sessions that I have had with them and the length of each session. I have almost doubled the time of question time. The Chief Executive in the Legislative Council - I welcome this; it is a very good idea. So if the Legislative Council wants to continue this practice, I would do certainly so in the coming session. Thank you very much.

(Please also refer to the Chinese portion of the transcript.)

Ends/Monday, July 10, 2006
Issued at HKT 17:37