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Health advice for travellers

    The Department of Health (DH) today (July 4) called on members of the public travelling outside Hong Kong during the summer holidays to take precautionary measures against travel-related illnesses.

     Speaking at a press conference today, the department's Chief Port Health Officer, Dr Henry Kong, reminded travellers going to places of high incidence of meningococcal infection such as sub-Saharan Africa and places experiencing outbreaks, to avoid close contact with people who have fever or severe headache and maintain good personal hygiene including frequent hand-washing, especially after sneezing.

     "Apart from covering the nose and mouth while sneezing or coughing, and spitting into tissues and discarding them properly, they can wear surgical masks and use an anti-bacterial hand sanitiser when necessary," Dr Kong said.

     While stressing that the most effective way to prevent infection was to maintain good personal hygiene, he said vaccination was one of the options when travellers plan to go to areas of high incidence. It takes seven to 14 days before it works.

     Dr Kong said in view of the recent release of surveillance protocol by the Ministry of Health against potential meningococcal infection, the department had contacted the Mainland health authorities for an update on the latest situation.

     However, he emphasised that, according to the Mainland health authority monthly reports, the figures for the first five months of this year were lower compared with the figures for the same period in 2004 and 2005.

     Also speaking at the press conference, Senior Port Health Officer, Dr Tina Chan, reminded travellers to countries in Southeast Asia to be vigilant against dengue fever in view of outbreaks of the disease in the region.

     "There have been 14 imported cases of dengue fever reported to the department so far this year and 13 of these cases came from South East Asia.

     "This year, some countries in the region continue to record high infection rates and the number of cases are expected to increase with the arrival of the rainy season," Dr Chan said.

     She pointed out that dengue fever was an endemic disease in Southeast Asian countries. The best way to prevent it while visiting these places was to avoid mosquito bites.

     Dr Chan urged travellers to take the following preventive measures:
*    Wear long-sleeved tops and trousers;
*    Use insect repellent containing DEET over exposed parts of the body;
*    Rest in air-conditioned or well-screened rooms; and
*    Use mosquito screens or nets when rooms are not air-conditioned.

     As for hazards related to environmental health, Port Health Officer, Dr Fan Pang-yung, said high altitude syndrome in mountainous areas was one of the health risks to travellers.

     "Travellers who will be visiting places in high altitudes need to be aware of the symptoms and to take measures to reduce the harmful effects.

     "High altitude syndrome appears typically on rapid ascent to altitudes above 2,500 metres, such as flying or driving directly to Lhasa or Kilimanjaro," Dr Fan said.

     Symptoms of high altitude syndrome occur gradually after a few hours of ascent. The symptoms include:
*    Headache (usually throbbing, on both sides, worse at night and on awakening, made worse by bending over);
*    Nausea, fatigue and dizziness;
*    Sleep difficulty, sudden awakening and a feeling of suffocation;
*    Irritability and loss of appetite;
*    Swelling of the face, hands and feet.

     Severe altitude sickness symptoms include:
*    Change in behaviour;
*    Disabling weakness;
*    Loss of coordination;
*    Breathlessness even at rest;
*    Lips or fingernails turning blue.

     "Youth and fitness offer no protection. A slow ascend and adequate rest are the golden principles," Dr Fan said.

     Other preventive measures against high altitude syndrome include:
*    Avoid flying or driving directly to very high altitudes;
*    Minimise exertion and drink plenty of water;
*    Avoid alcohol, large meals and sleeping pills during the first few days upon arrival;
*    Keep warm to prevent exposure to the cold;
*    Don't force yourself to keep up with others. If necessary, leave the group and descend to a lower altitude immediately.
*    Never ignore the early warning symptoms and signs as severe altitude sickness can be fatal within a few hours;
*    Never rely on painkillers to handle headaches in high altitude areas;
*    Preventive medicines are available. Travellers should seek pre-travel medical consultation and advice for proper use of the preventive medications;
*    Travellers with chronic medical conditions or respiratory tract infections should seek medical advice before the journey.

     For the latest information on infectious disease outbreaks in various parts of the world and preventive measures against travel-related illnesses, members of the public may visit the Department of Health's Hong Kong Travel Health Service Website,  

     Travellers can make use of the service including one-stop travel-related advice, vaccinations and prescription of preventive medications. Details are available on the website and appointments can be made by telephoning the Hong Kong Travel Health Centre at 2961 8840 or Kowloon Travel Health centre at 2150 7235.

Ends/Tuesday, July 4, 2006
Issued at HKT 17:40