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2006 Annual Survey of Companies in Hong Kong Representing Parent Companies Located outside Hong Kong - Reminder of Deadline for Returning Survey Questionnaires

    The Census and Statistics Department (C&SD) today (June 16) reminded the senior management of the companies receiving the questionnaires for the 2006 Annual Survey of Companies in Hong Kong Representing Parent Companies Located outside Hong Kong to return the completed questionnaires to the C&SD promptly if they have not done so.

     The survey is conducted annually by the C&SD to collect up-to-date information useful to the Government in formulating strategies for cultivating a favourable environment for conducting business in Hong Kong.

     The survey covers all companies in various economic sectors in Hong Kong that represent their parent companies located outside Hong Kong.  A questionnaire has been sent earlier to the relevant companies.  

     The survey is conducted under Part IIIA of the Census and Statistics Ordinance (Chapter 316).  It is a voluntary statistical survey notified in the Government Notice No. 1914 in the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Gazette of March 24, 2006.  In accordance with the provisions of the Ordinance, the collected information relating to individual companies will be kept in strict confidence.  Only aggregate information, which does not reveal details of individual companies, will be released.

     The Commissioner for Census and Statistics, Mr Fung Hing-wang, appealed to the senior management of companies still not having returned the completed questionnaires to spend a few moments to fulfil their social responsibilities by completing the questionnaire promptly, as their opinions are vital to the survey.  

     To facilitate these companies in providing information, an electronic template of the questionnaire is available for use upon request.

     If necessary, staff of the C&SD will visit individual companies and assist them in completing the questionnaire.  They will each carry a Government Identity Card and a certificate for conducting the survey, which are available for inspection.

     Enquiries regarding the survey may be directed to the Business Expectation Statistics Section of the C&SD (telephone: 2123 2107 or e-mail: ).

Ends/Friday, June 16, 2006
Issued at HKT 10:01