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Easy Sport lays foundation for sports development

    A modified games tournament first organised by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department for primary school students in 2002 has grown into an annual major school sports event, with 5,000 students from 299 primary schools taking part this year.

     At the 2006 Inter-school Easy Sport Competition at Shek Kip Mei Park today (May 6), schoolchildren competed in 11 sports - badminton, basketball, cricket, fencing, handball, netball, rugby football, shuttlecock, table tennis, tennis and soft volleyball - that had rules and equipment specially adapted to suit their physiques.

     Speaking at the competition's opening ceremony, the Director of Leisure and Cultural Services, Ms Anissa Wong, said Easy Sports enabled students to enjoy sport at an early age so that everyone would embrace at least one favourite sport for continuous participation.

     So far, training in 22 Easy Sports have been introduced in primary schools with the assistance of National Sports Associations.

     Ms Wong said that in recent years, many countries had come to regard sports development as an important policy to foster social progress.

     "The LCSD, working closely with other government departments, will continue to promote co-operation between the sports community, the education sector and other sections of society and, through its School Sports Programme, encourage more students to participate in sports in order to lay a firm foundation for sustained sports development in Hong Kong," Ms Wong said.

     The School Sports Programme, of which Easy Sport is a subsidiary, is funded by the LCSD and organised by various National Sports Associations with assistance from the Education and Manpower Bureau, Chinese University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Baptist University.

     Launched in 2001, the programme offers a wide range of sports activities, including coaching, demonstrations, talks, volunteers training and visits to sports facilities.

     Joining Ms Wong as officiating guests at today's Easy Sport competition were the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Legco Home Affairs Panel, Mr Tommy Cheung Yu-yan and Ms Tam Heung-man; panel members Ms Emily Lau Wai-hing, Mr Timothy Fok Tsun-ting and Mr Li Kwok-ying; the Chairman of the Community Sports Committee, Mr Chau How-chen; and the Convenor of the Student Sports Activities Co-ordinating Sub-committee of the Community Sports Committee, Mr John Fan Kam-ping.

     Between the competitions, students, parents and teachers tried their hands at cycling, duathlon, fencing, orienteering, sports climbing, squash and tennis at the play-in corners.

     The presentation of certificates of appointment to 23 School Sports Ambassadors also took place at today's ceremony, signifying these outstanding local athletes' commitment to promoting sports in schools throughout the year.

     For schools interested in joining the School Sports Programme, please download the enrolment form from the department's website at or contact its Sports Development Section on 2601 7602.

Ends/Saturday, May 6, 2006
Issued at HKT 14:33


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