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Briefing for Hong Kong traders on anti-dumping investigation against CD-Rs

    The Trade and Industry Department (TID) today (April 27) held a special briefing for Hong Kong traders of Compact Discs-Recordable (CD-Rs) to explain to them the general procedures in the anti-dumping investigation initiated by India against CD-Rs originating in or exported from certain economies including Hong Kong, and encourage their participation in any anti-dumping investigations against their products.

     "Despite the fact that Hong Kong is not a major target for anti-dumping actions, Hong Kong Government always remains vigilant and keeps a watchful eye on any possible anti-dumping cases that may directly affect Hong Kong products and our trade interest," a spokesman for the TID said.

     "We have been adopting a very proactive approach by closely monitoring the situation through visiting the relevant websites of the major anti-dumping users and through our overseas economic and trade offices," he said.

     After knowing that the Indian authority has formally initiated the anti-dumping proceedings, the TID immediately held a briefing session today for concerned traders who were encouraged to participate in the investigation to ensure the industry would be fairly treated in the process.   The Indian anti-dumping guide and questionnaires for exporters were distributed and TID officers were present to answer questions so as to help Hong Kong traders to safeguard their interests in exporting to India.

     Concurrently, a Commercial Information Circular (No. 155/2006), containing the relevant information on the investigation, has been issued and uploaded to the TID's website (  All known Hong Kong companies involved in the CD-Rs trade were individually alerted by the TID.  A hotline (2398 5698) has been set up to answer enquiries.

     Affected traders can also visit the special anti-dumping webpage ( updated by the TID regularly to get instant and round-the-clock access to anti-dumping information.

     "At the governmental level, Hong Kong will make representations to India to identify doubtful or unjustifiable areas in the complaints and to present arguments with a view to terminate the proceedings against Hong Kong as soon as possible," the spokesman said.

     Besides vigorously defending Hong Kong's trade interest through the bilateral channel, the Government also spares no efforts in stemming the root of the problem by seeking to clarify and improve the disciplines under the World Trade Organization (WTO) Anti-dumping Agreement.

     "Hong Kong has been participating actively and constructively in the Doha Round of the WTO trade negotiation to map out more precise and clear rules governing the conduct and use of anti-dumping actions.

     "Tightening the disciplines under the Anti-dumping Agreement will help prevent protectionist use of anti-dumping measures and benefits Hong Kong as a whole," the spokesman said.

Ends/Thursday, April 27, 2006
Issued at HKT 19:42