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Appointment of Fight Crime Committee members announced

    The Government today (March 23) announced the appointment of three new members and the re-appointment of five serving members to the Fight Crime Committee.

     The Honourable Li Kwok-ying, the Honourable Vincent Fang Kang and Dr John Tse Wing-ling are newly appointed for a term of two years.  Ms Vivien Chan is re-appointed to the committee for one year while Mr Clement Tao Kwok-lau, Ms Sylvia Yau Siu-fee, Mr Yau Chung-wan and Mrs Betty Yuen So Siu-mai are re-appointed for two years. All the appointments will be effective from April 1, 2006.

     The committee's terms of reference are:

(1) To draw up plans for a co-ordinated effort to reduce crime;

(2) To co-ordinate the work of the departments and agencies concerned in the implementation of such plans;

(3) To receive and to assess reports from the departments and agencies concerned on the extent to which they have been able to implement the plans and on the results;

(4) To determine ways in which the public can be stimulated to contribute to the reduction of crime;

(5) To receive and process suggestions from any source on how crime might be reduced;

(6) To recommend any legislative and administrative measures that the committee considers necessary towards reducing crime; and

(7) To report on progress to the Chief Executive once yearly.

     The membership of the Fight Crime Committee with effect from April 1, 2006 is as follows:

Chairman: Chief Secretary for Administration

Deputy Chairman: Secretary for Justice


Ms Vivien Chan, JP
Mr Clement Tao Kwok-lau, BBS, JP
Ms Sylvia Yau Siu-fee, JP
Mr Yau Chung-wan
Mrs Betty Yuen So Siu-mai
The Honourable Li Kwok-ying, MH
The Honourable Vincent Fang Kang, JP
Dr John Tse Wing-ling
Secretary for Security
Secretary for Education and Manpower
Secretary for Health, Welfare and Food
Secretary for Home Affairs
Commissioner of Police
Commissioner of Correctional Services

Secretary: Principal Assistant Secretary for Security

Ends/Thursday, March 23, 2006
Issued at HKT 15:31